2009 – Janet Miller


Midwest Region Humanitarian Award – 2009

This year the recipient of the Midwest Region Humanitarian Award is Janet Miller. Janet is a member of the Saving Animal Control Kitties or SACK group from Springfield IL. SACK takes cats out of their local high-kill government run Animal Control shelter and takes them to shows. At the shows, members of SACK actually exhibit these cats as HHPs and try to find them good homes.

Janet picks out cats to show and bathes and grooms them for the shows, which I would guess is not always an easy task. Members of SACK take at least 4 cats from the pound to each travel show besides their own personal show cats. Janet provides the transportation to the shows for the group and all the cats. She stores the equipment they need for the show and hotel stays—cages for the hotel room, totes of cage curtains, litter boxes, etc. She also single handedly made a large number of cage curtains for SACK usage so the cages for the HHPs they are trying to place look neat and professional. In 17 shows, SACK members have placed 149 cats, which is a truly amazing number.

The Midwest Region is pleased to award Janet with the region’s Humanitarian Award for all the good work she is doing in her community to save cats that end up in the local shelter.