The Companion Cat World (CCW) program continues to grow since the announcement of the program. To remind you we are providing a membership card with a photo of the registered cat, their cat featured on our website, and a newsletter to inform them about CFA, our shows, and our pedigree breeds. There are other items that can be purchased. This has been met with excitement and we are seeing registrations increasing due to this program.
As it was announced during the February 2020 Board meeting, we have decided to move away from using social media influencers to receive a portion of our proceeds, and instead make a donation to shelter/rescue groups. We need your help to identify the groups to receive these funds. We are asking you to poll your clubs and identify one rescue/shelter within the boundaries of your Region. We need this information by the end of April. Here are some criteria to use in deciding which group to identify:
1. What are the current programs and who do they serve? (adoption, foster, TNR, rescue, breed specific, grants, specific medical conditions)
2. What is their mission and what do they aim to accomplish?
3. What are the organization’s key strategies for making this happen?
4. What are the organization’s capabilities for doing this? (skills, size, locations, number of volunteers)
5. How is success measured?
6. How many cat has the organization helped, and has that increased or decreased over time?
7. Do they need financial support? What are their Gross Receipts/Assets? (this should be public information and many have more than CFA does!)
8. Identify who is on the board of directors. Are there many or few board members? Are they business or community leader?
9. Evaluate the main supporters. Are there many funders or few? Have key funders been involved for some time?
10. How can our donation be best utilized? (determine this in discussion with primary contact. Feel confident that contributions and efforts will be appreciated and utilized effectively and efficiently.)
11. Does the organization have a very good reputation.?
12. Evaluate social media and charities PR capabilities. Will CFA receive public recognition for the support we provide?
13. Will we be able to feel a great sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and pride in knowing that our support is having a significant effect upon the causes and charities that are most important to them that we are supporting?
CFA will send 10% of all registrations received with the CCW program from your Region to one shelter/group identified within each Region at the end of April 2021. At this time we are planning to send the donation to only one shelter per Region. If there are multiple organizations identified as deserving from your Region, we can alternate between those in subsequent years.
Clubs who partner and feature rescue groups find their spectators increase, and often stops anti-breeder sentiment from those attending our shows. The CCW pr-ogram is for all cats, even those who might be declawed, unable to be shown, or feral. Remember CCW is only registration of these cats, Household Pet is the competition category at our shows.
Please poll your clubs and send your identified charity to Kathy Black. We view this as a win/win for both CFA and the identified charity. The rescue/shelter identified will receive fliers to help promote and advertise our program, and thus increase the donation they will receive from us.
Thank you for your help!