2014 – Bobbie Weihrauch
Midwest Region Spotlight Award – 2014
Here is a quote from the person who made the nomination
“She always works diligently for improving and the Fancy. This year she is heading the regional awards sponsorship. She belongs to at least three clubs that I know of. She is greatly responsible for reorganizing and getting new members in COWS club to help them put on a show again. She always is the first to step up to the plate in our club TCCF and volunteer to help produce our show. I know this first hand because I was ready to bail on CFA and by her talking up CFA and telling me all the reasons I should stay she not only made me stay I also joined COWS.
This individual is an exemplary person that we have to keep to enable CFA to stay the largest registry in the world.”
I would like to add this person has done a fantastic job with sponsorship and this regional is 100% sponsored this year!!
Please join me in congratulating Bobbie as the 2013/2014 Spotlight award winner